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Impact through Education.

1 million clearing Senior Secondary, 100k Job Placed/Self Employed, 10k entering Research

The Roub Foundation pairs intentful students with dedicated college-educated mentors who guide them through their journey to senior secondary exams. This program ensures that talented individuals receive personalized support, preventing them from missing out on opportunities and increasing their chances of success. By providing guidance, subject knowledge, study strategies, and emotional support, the mentors empower students to reach their full potential and create a more equitable education system.

1 million students clear Senior Secondary

By the end of the next 15 years, the ROUB Foundation will support the enrollment and successful completion of senior secondary education for 1 million students from marginalized communities, with a particular emphasis on providing access and resources to girls and underprivileged youth.

Specific: The goal specifies the target of supporting 1 million students from marginalized communities to enroll in and complete their senior secondary education.

Measurable: The goal is measurable as it sets a clear target of supporting a specific number of students. Progress can be tracked by monitoring the enrollment and completion rates over the 15-year timeframe.

Achievable: The goal is ambitious yet achievable given the resources, long-term planning, and partnerships established by the ROUB Foundation. It acknowledges the foundation’s commitment to providing access and resources to marginalized students.

Relevant: The goal is relevant to the foundation’s mission of empowering marginalized communities through education. Senior secondary education plays a crucial role in shaping future opportunities and outcomes for students.

Time-Bound: The goal is time-bound, with a specific timeframe of 15 years. This extended timeframe allows for strategic planning, implementation, and monitoring progress over a longer period.

100k people get self employed or get jobs

Over the next 15 years, the ROUB Foundation will empower and support 100,000 individuals from marginalized communities to become self-employed through entrepreneurship and skills development programs.

Specific: The goal specifies the target of empowering and supporting 100,000 individuals from marginalized communities to become self-employed.

Measurable: The goal is measurable as it sets a clear target of supporting a specific number of individuals. Progress can be tracked by monitoring the number of individuals who successfully establish their own businesses or become self-employed.

Achievable: The goal is ambitious but achievable given the resources, training programs, and support provided by the ROUB Foundation. It acknowledges the foundation’s commitment to empowering individuals from marginalized communities through entrepreneurship.

Relevant: The goal is relevant to the foundation’s mission of empowering marginalized communities through technology and education. By promoting self-employment, the foundation aims to create economic opportunities and promote self-sustainability.

Time-Bound: The goal is time-bound, with a specific timeframe of 15 years. This extended timeframe allows for strategic planning, implementation, and long-term impact assessment.

10k people join Research

Over the next 15 years, the ROUB Foundation will support and facilitate the participation of 10,000 individuals from marginalized communities in research activities, fostering their engagement and contribution to the field.

Specific: The goal specifies the target of supporting 10,000 individuals from marginalized communities to participate in research activities.

Measurable: The goal is measurable as it sets a clear target of supporting a specific number of individuals. Progress can be tracked by monitoring the number of individuals who successfully engage in research activities.

Achievable: The goal is achievable given the resources, mentorship programs, and support provided by the ROUB Foundation. It acknowledges the foundation’s commitment to promoting research opportunities for individuals from marginalized communities.

Relevant: The goal is relevant to the foundation’s mission of promoting education, research, and empowering marginalized communities. By facilitating research participation, the foundation aims to foster knowledge creation, innovation, and inclusivity in the research field.

Time-Bound: The goal is time-bound, with a specific timeframe of 15 years. This extended timeframe allows for strategic planning, implementation, and long-term impact assessment.

“Unlocking potential through education and research.”

Empowering minds through education and research, we strive to unlock the limitless potential within individuals. By igniting curiosity, fostering innovation, and providing access to knowledge, our non-profit organization aims to drive positive change in the world. Together, we plant the seeds of transformation, nurturing a future where education becomes the cornerstone of progress and empowers individuals to shape a brighter, more inclusive society.

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

It's time to make education our priority. Let's change the world together.

Our vision is a future where technology transcends barriers, enabling the empowerment of marginalized communities through education, research, and innovation. We envision a world where access to technology and knowledge is equalized, providing opportunities for individuals from marginalized backgrounds to thrive and contribute to society. Through our efforts, we aim to bridge the digital divide and foster a more equitable world.

Every little bit helps the greater good of the world.

We have a deep impact plan for wide-reaching effects.